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Microsoft partner with SwiftERM

Microsoft partner with SwiftERM

May 2020, London and New York.

SwiftERM are delighted to announce a formal agreement to partner with Microsoft.  SwiftERM (Microsoft identity: MPN ID. 6197468) is an ecommerce predictive personalisation solution, offering fully automatic email marketing software as a stand-alone or to support ESP software.

It was announced today that it has partnered with Microsoft Corp, one of the leading enterprise cloud infrastructure providers. As a Microsoft Partner, SwiftERM data analysis will have access to an expanded set of capabilities to provide state-of-the-art business analytics to clients across all ecommerce verticals.

SwiftERM data solution has a wealth of experience working with Enterprise and Community clients to drive actionable, measurable outcomes across the predictive analytics email sector, from strategy to implementation.

This partnership will provide a strategic advantage to SwiftERM clients by enabling the development using the Azure platform in ever more important functionality at machine speed and scale.

“We are thrilled to become a Microsoft Partner,” said David Swift co-founder and CEO. “Microsoft’s Azure cloud enables us to deliver tailored, state-of-the-art analytics solutions in an enterprise-grade computing environment that meets our clients’ needs and requirements.”

Microsoft partner with SwiftERM

Many enterprise businesses today recognize the potential of AI technologies to create significant value by enhancing their go-to-market strategy but struggle with the email additional revenue generation aspect.

Building on decades of experience, SwiftERM supports the needs of these businesses and helps them generate much needed additional revenue from the existing customers in an otherwise missed opportunity.

About SwiftERM

SwiftERM is both a London / New York-based ecommerce technology software solution. It focuses on autonomous email marketing that identifies imminent individual consumer purchases, and maximises the return by offering exactly the right products to the right people at the right time.

This serves ecommerce retail clients leverage additional revenue from their consumer data to improve the customer lifetime value, return on investment, average order value, customer lifetime value and loyalty.

This professional solution brings a deep appreciation of the vagaries of consumer’s whims, fancies, needs and desires.  This technology supports ecommerce retail clients in a critical way, personalising the relationship between retailer and consumer and complements that retailer’s uniqueness in the market.

Choose additional services from the exceptional partner solution.

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