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Total automation for email is real

Total automation for email marketing is real

Total automation for email marketing is real. For many years, a lot of sophisticated email marketing has been devised and implemented, which makes the production of content ever more accurate and rewarding. But the one thing it has never been able to do is – do it all for you.

The acknowledged general perception is that this utopia can’t exist, as it requires someone to decide what to do and when. All pretty obvious really, until you learn the possibility that big-data can use machine learning to do it, and it’s capable of delivering a much greater return, more than the humble human can ever achieve.

Mailchimp (the world’s biggest ESP) currently define email automation as:

the use of predefined rules to trigger email messages and personalise your messages based on specific actions customers take—or don’t take, using email or marketing automation software.

Some examples they offer include when you automate welcome emails sent when a customer signs up for a mailing list, similar product recommendations after a user has bought from your site, or a quick reminder that the customer placed something in their cart but never finished checking out.

Email automation takes repetitive tasks off your to-do list to free up your time for other valuable tasks, such as responding to customer questions. It can help customers learn more about your brand, encourage them to keep coming back, or remind them of why they bought from you in the first place.

But oh my dear lord, it is so much more than just that now. And the purpose of this article is the highlight how much further the boundary has been pushed, ever closer, and indeed achieving that holy-grail of ambitions – to be able to never need human input for your email marketing ever again. To do it all for you  – autonomously.

The benefits of email automation

Email automation lets you:

1. Personalise your customers’ experiences.

Research backs up what most marketers already know: The psychology of personalisation.

  • 90% of consumers find personalised content very or somewhat appealing.
  • 91% of consumers are more likely to patronise businesses that provide individualised recommendations and offers.
  • A recent experiment revealed that when shoppers knew an ad was based on their activity on the site, their click-through rates increased by 11% and revenue from the product grew by 38%.
  • 72% of customers only respond to marketing messages that target their interests.
  • The leading type of personalisation experience that marketers use is email.

With email automation you can even create a series of automated emails to help grow your relationships with your customers—and your business. Improving email marketing efficiency as a marketing channel through the sales funnel.

What Mailchimp, and many others, omit to say is that the technology now exists to take personalisation of email content that final step, to exactly the products that each individual consumer is most likely to buy next. Like shooting fish in a barrel, enabling you to pick all the low hanging fruit.

2. Make the most of your data.

Sure there are plenty of opportunities for marketers to thrash-out campaign strategies, and phenomenal creatives to write amazing content to deliver a fabulous return for their efforts. But what if instead of cherry-picking these too few occasions, you could come along with laser sights and reap 20x the return this distinction delivers every time, and perpetually? Welcome to the world of predictive personalisation.

3. Improve your customer retention rate.

It’s much easier and more cost effective to sell to an existing customer than to convert a new one, and with automation, you can stay in touch better than ever before. You don’t need to schedule your messages so that your customers don’t go too long without hearing from you – and be sure the copy is relevant to maximise its impact, you can enjoy software that learns exactly when to email each consumer for maximum effect, that costs less than Mailchimp; in fact a lot less.

4. So, apart from the obvious, what are the benefits?

Let’s underline the actual benefit – that unspoken of elephant in the room. Let’s say you employ a couple of people to do nothing else but create and send your email marketing campaigns for you. You need to check out the full extent of how much a year does that really cost? Then, and only then can you start where all calculations on expenditure of campaigns are a standpoint of, I must make XYZ to even begin to break even. That can be a truly painful eye-opener.

Next you need to look at the stats, there’s a Monday morning meeting moan going off somewhere in the house. Despite not yet deducting the above, if you’re used to certain levels of return, the last thing you need, is to suddenly discover, not only is there an easier, more cost effective way of doing it, but that what this other system does, and how it does it, delivers twenty-times the return. Yes, a full 20x the figures you are used to enjoying. These are the figures being used by a variety of research companies including Deloitte 8x, Statista 10x McKinsey 20x.


Predictive personalisation software, like SwiftERM, offers ecommerce retailers a 100% automatic system that runs alongside any and all existing email software. Zero staff, zero staff overheads, perpetually running, no holidays, weekends, evenings or sickpay. It personalises product selection for each individual consumer perpetually, without needing any staff whatsoever – ever!

It knows each consumer’s preferred product selection and uses it to greatest advantage in their emails.

After a free trial SwiftERM quickly adds new turnover and new profits. But further, it smashes (AOV), and skyrockets CLV. If you don’t believe it works, take the free trial and run it alongside your ESP software, which it is designed for. There is no lock-in contract. Simply click the Register link.

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